Stratcom Media

Your stakeholder relationships & marketing partrner in the digital age

Our Story

At the heart of Stratcom’s inception lies the unexpected encounter between its founders in the University of Eswatini’s corridors back in August 1990. Ncaba Peter Hlophe, originating from the rural confines of Nkomazi in northern Hhohho, and Sibusiso Godfrey Mngadi, from the vibrant Sidvwashini township in Mbabane, embarked on their academic endeavours without foreseeing the remarkable evolution of their relationship into a durable friendship and business alliance spanning over three decades.

After successfully completing their degrees in English Literature and Media Studies, they commenced their professional journeys with reputable national newspapers. The trajectory of their careers bifurcated when Ncaba relocated to Johannesburg for further education at Wits University, broadening his expertise into arts, business management, marketing, and research. Despite the geographical distance, their bond remained steadfast. Meanwhile, Sibusiso carved an impressive career within Eswatini, excelling in journalism, public relations, marketing communications, and graphic design, and contributing significantly to various local entities, including the University oif Eswatini, the Eswatini Sugar Association, the National Emergency Response Councll on HIV/AIDS (NERCHA), the Central Bank of Eswatini and the United Nations in Eswatini.

The genesis of Swaziland Strategic Communications Consultancy (SSCC) was spurred by their collective ambition to pioneer PR consulting in Eswatini, inspired by the well-established industry in South Africa. Among SSCC’s distinguished accomplishments were the Eswatini Bank’s 40th-anniversary commemorative book, the 40/40 celebrations logo, and the communications and advocacy strategy for the Government Decentralisation Policy, among others, showcasing their significant industry impact.

By 2024, a crucial dialogue between Sibusiso and Ncaba rejuvenated their unified vision for Stratcom, recognizing the transformative influence of digital media and AI on the PR and communications sector. Their journey, characterized by enduring camaraderie and professional growth, epitomizes the evolving saga of Stratcom within the dynamic realm of strategic communications. As they embark on this new digital chapter together, their story continues to unfold, illustrating the resilience and innovation at the core of their partnership.